
Posts Tagged ‘ecorner’

How To Be An Innovator For Life

January 8, 2010 Leave a comment

This video has been very inspiring and self-affirming to me. Tom Kelley, the general manager at IDEO, is so energetic and fun to listen to during his speech. He made some excellent points about how one can cultivate one’s creativity — which I agree with him is the key to having fun in this life (or at least that is my take on it). Anyhoo, I believe that we are all here on this Earth to grow and become our more authentic selves. Now, maybe not all of us are ready for this but I do believe a lot of people are striving for it — what with all of the proclaimed searches for the meaning in life or for one’s passion, etc. And I think creativity goes a very, very long way to helping people to grow and get closer to their authentic selves. But I digress…I really just wanted to share this great video…soo, without further adieu… 🙂

How To Be An Innovator For Life


Now, I have posted the link to the video above, but for those of you who may not have the time to watch/listen to the whole video…below is my outline of all of the main points that Mr. Kelley discussed. Hope it makes you smile and reminds you to cultivate your creativity.

Five Ways To Be An Innovator For Life:

1. Think like a traveler –> Be more aware and notice everything…be mindful to see with fresh eyes instead of assuming there is nothing to see.

2. Treat life as an experiment –> Be willing to fail and take risks…fail forward, learn and keep growing…it helps you build your self-confidence

3. Having an attitude of wisdom –> Have a healthy balance of confidence in what you know and a good sense of distrust in what you know to keep yourself constantly yearning to learn more.

4. Use your whole brain and use your tortoise brain –> Do not just rely on your left or right brain…use the whole brain and see yourself as a whole individual with both sides. Your tortoise brain is that mind that is not completely under your direct control and allows you to contemplate, reflect, etc. — the tortoise brain is the one that you access when you are daydreaming or sleeping…let it work for you by actively connecting with it.

5. Follow your passion –> Do what you love not just because it is a phrase you have heard constantly but because you will be better at it. When you follow your passion, you are willing to put in more energy and time to manifest it. Lastly, think of what you are good at, what you are born to do, what you will be paid for and who you will be working with even when following your passion(s) –> Kelley was sure to mention this because if you are following your passion & the other qualifiers all fall into place, it can still be ruined by those who you work with.

As Kelley said, it’s ok to be an artist! 🙂