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I Am An Artist…And So Are YOU

2010 has begun as a year in which I am fully believing in who I have always been…and it feels beautiful. Not only does it feel beautiful but I am manifesting itself in so many spaces in my life — I am receiving so much confirmation and affirmation, it is amazing.

I am an artist. I am a singer.  I am a dancer.  I am a writer. I am a connector. I am a motivator. I am a mentor.  I am a creator. I am inspiration.


“Art is what we we’re doing when we do our best work.” – Seth Godin, Linchpin, (Why Seth Godin Wrote Linchpin and About Linchpin)

“…start thinking in terms of “gifts” — things that people choose to give for specific reasons.” – Ivan Askwith, Big Spaceship, Getting Past Viral

When we are doing our best work, we are giving ourselves to the world — we are being artists.  Giving of ourselves is what encourages people to share back with you — it is what gives the digital space its humanity. In light of my own personal declarations, revelations and reading of minds that I admire (such as Godin and Askwith) — all of my blog posts moving forward will be a gift from me to you. I have spent the past two years blogging here and at Writing To My Heart’s Content –> trying to make sense of my existence, reaching for something more in spite of what “reality” showed me and growing into myself. And now that growth phase has occurred and I am coming out of my cocoon. Will I grow more in the future? God, I hope so. But I am ready to share more than just my thoughts as random ramblings. I am ready to focus on you and what you need and want.

Now…now I am ready to challenge you to join me. No one may have ever told you this before….but you are an artist. You have something (if not many things) to give to and share with this world. Too many of us have forgotten this and it is time for us to remember — regardless of what your work, family situation, etc. may be. Join me in growing and pushing yourself to give more to this world, in every facet…we are going to take this one step at a time. Trust me.   🙂

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